Saturday, October 6, 2012


Rocking chairs are oscillating structures that move us back and forth over and over again. It my appear you've made a change but like a rubberband you reach a certain point and you head back the other direction. I realized that I had a oscillating structure that kept me from truly loosing weight and being healthy. I had a deep rooted hurt and fear that I had to face.

When you realize you have an oscillating structure at work in your life there are likely hidden reasons you may not want to admit but that must be dealt with to truly move forward.

Coaching gives you someone who will help you accomplish the changes you want to make in your life by being a sounding board, by keeping you accountable, by helping you see the progress and celebrate the little successes along the way.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Follow God - Not People

Someone posted this on their facebook wall and I found that it speaks profoundly to me.

I am glad for the people that do speak into my life. Who encourage me and help me to determine God's direction. There are times that I can be a bit like Israel demanding God to give them a king. They wanted someone to protect them, and direct them, to tell them what they should do.

When I am in-between projects I find myself at times wishing there was someone who would tell me what I should be doing. Never mind that I have a heavenly Father who desires to direct my life if I would take the time to seek him. Sometimes we want to just be able to follow the easily discernable voices of the people in our life. Those voices need to be confirmations and encouragements to the things God is already speaking to us. We get off track when we want those voices to tell us what to do rather than seeking God.

How about you?

When you need direction what voices do you listen to?

Are there people you have set up as little kings in your life rather than seek the true King of Kings?

Have you taken on some projects or committeemen's that were other peoples good ideas and not really God's plan for you?

What do you do when you realize you have committed to doing something that was probably not God's plan for you? Do you gracefully bow out or do you finish what you started?

These are the kinds of things you might talk about in a coaching session.
I liked this coaching model from the book by  Keith E. Webb
"C = connect. Building rapport and trust with the person you are talking 
to and following up on action steps from previous meetings.
O = outcome. The intended results the coachee would like to achieve during the conversation.
A = awareness. Reflective dialogue intended to produce increased perspective for the coachee.
C = course. Helping the coachee create action steps.
H = highlights. Reviewing the parts of the conversation that the coachee found most meaningful to reinforce insights and strengthen learning. "

Need to talk? I do coaching by phone, instant messaging and in person if you are in the Spokane area. Please see the Coaching Service tab for more information on setting up your coaching session. Half hour or hour long sessions are available at reasonable rates.